The article summarizes information about Volyn region as part of Poland before Partitions of Poland (XVI — XVIII). Descriptive, statistical and geographical reserch methods are used. The research covers Volyn region features in XVI — XVIII: administrative division, population changes, agriculture development and social life. Significant part is dedicated to deeper terrain research during XVI — XVIII. Provided comparison for countries area and region in general, including borders length. Based on ukrainian and polish reserchers works and author investigation and calculation discovered administrative division areas. Author analyses in great details population denstity and cauntity, discovered specific patterns in population areas in Volyn region during XVI – XVIII. Also tracked cities population growth during researched period. Crafts development and trading in cities is proved as main factor for cities population growth. Provided detailed description agriculture and manufacture description in Volyn region. Based on scientific data discover region specialization. Discovered positive and negative influence on Volyn region as part of Poland from social, economical and geopolitical factors. Author reveals negative changes in social life and common trend in social and economical development before Partitions of Poland. The research sets up prospectives on volyn region historical and geographical researches. The research results can be used historical and geographical areas. Following systematic researches will allow to provide wider forecast and retrospective analysis for Volyn region.

Key words: historical and geographical region, Volyn district, social and economical development.


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