Natalia Taranova, Serhiу Gulyk


Our study is devoted to the study of toponymy, Gorogoro-Kremenezky ridges and Small Polissya, which are associated with the economic activities of the population, where the preserved unique archaic sources to determine the time and direction of settlement in this part of Ukraine, which not only was not the object of toponymic studies, but was not used as the subject of extensive exploration. That is why the study of Toponymy, Gorogoro-Kremenezky ridges and Small Polissya, connected with economic activity of the population is considered relevant and thus requires further research. The article analyzes the names of Gorogoro-Kremenezky ridge and Small Polissya associated with the economic activities of the population. Found that on this site there are two separate toponymic systems: explicit vituperating place names of the Small Polissya and vedantadesika place names, Gorogoro-Kremenezky ridge. Economic activity of population was carried out in different environmental conditions, little of a great impact. To farming on a Small Polissya was extremely difficult due to the excessive moisture of the soil, so the population is mainly engaged in the cattle breeding, fishing, hunting. Place names of the Small Polissya is a mirror of the nature of each agricultural use of reclaimed bogs in areas of land: (XX) Nivki, the Long field (h) Curve of the field (XX), etc. the Bread here is always not enough. To survive helped the fishing and hunting, and gathering berries, mushrooms and the like. Therefore, a Small Polissya are primarily natural terrain and very rarely – people’s names. Gorogoro-Kremenets ridge opposite: the area of continuous agricultural development has secured the names of the settlers and the landowners. This pattern is the main pattern in the toponymy of this region.

Key words: toponyms, Genesis, geography and toponymic districts, Gorogoro-Kremenets ridge and Small Polissya.


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