The totality of notions that were included in conceptual nomenclature of geographic information systems (GIS) has been analyzed.  The definitions of the basic concepts of GIS were defined. The definitions of the basic concepts of GIS were analyzed on the basis of mathematic-logical approaches. Logical-mathematical formulas of notions and their definitions were composed. Five subblocks of the definition of GIS nomenclature are highlighted. The relationship types between the basic concepts of GIS nomenclature were defined. The semantic network of GIS nomenclature was built and relationships between notions inside the network were analyzed, as well. There are two types of relationships in the semantic network of GIS conceptual-terminological instrument (nomenclature). They are class – subclass and element – integral. The first type represents relations between such notions as system – information system – geographic information system. Besides, there are two relations between such notions as geographic system and other notions. They are element – integral and integral – element. The first deals with such notions as informational support, hardware, software, framing, procedural, institutional and methodological support of GIS. The second deals with the notion of geoinformation analysis. The semantic network of nomenclature of GIS is hierarchic because it displays not only total structure of GIS notions but inner structure of other notions. These are the following notions: geographic data, data (information) support of GIS, geoinformaton analysis. Geographic data is the source of the type of class – subclass relations. Data (information) support of GIS is the source of the type of element –integral relations. Geoinformation analysis is the source of the type of class – subclass relations. So, the notion of geographic information system is closely related with such notions as data (information) support, GIS data, types of the GIS data, models of GIS data, and methods of geoinformation analysis, as well.

Key words: Geographic information systems (GIS), logical-mathematical approaches, semantic networks for knowledge representation, basic concepts of GIS.


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