Natalia HANYCH


Tourism development activates demand for the hospitality services, which are provided by the hotel enterprises. Taking into account the dynamic demand growth for the hospitality services and stability of the industry as a part of a world economy, hotel industry should be investigated as a separate object of research of social geography in spatial and temporal dimensions. He main stages and peculiarities of the hospitality industry development from the historical approach are displayed. The historic preconditions of the lodging sites development are analyzed. The historic periods in the hotel sphere development are described. Each of the researched periods of the hotel industry development has its own characteristic of functional tasks, directions and forms of the service supply. The main factors that lead to the formation and development of the hotel establishments are singled out. The development of services, quality of service, features of hotels architectural planning are characterized. The historic references on the first hotels in Lviv are submitted. The development of accommodation facilities in different time periods are traced. The influence of the historical background on the development of hotel infrastructure is analyzed. The recommendations on the future development of  hotel infrastructure in L’viv are worked out. The analysis of the lodging sites development in different periods made it possible to evaluate the influence of the historic preconditions on the development of chain of the lodging sites and hotel infrastructure of L’viv region.

Keywords: lodging, accommodation, lodging services.


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