Natalia РANKIV.


It was analyzed the process of formation and development of youth tourism, revealed the essence of its understanding. It was highlighted its place in the tourism activities system and various scientists interpretation of its nature and importance. We tried to prove the relevance of the chosen topic and the development of children and youth tourism necessity, as an important segment of the tourism industry of our country, as an important strategic task is to ensure the social needs and the rights to health and recreation of younger generation. It was analyzed the territorial characteristics and differences between modern functioning of the children and youth tourism in Lviv region. Direction of improving the territorial structure of the children and youth tourism in Lviv region is the creation of new centers of tourism and regional studies in the districts (cities) with further development of local and inter-regional tourism and local history routes, and finally – the network expansion of tourist and local history workshops to the level of each school. This lets us create a territorial recreation system of the children and youth tourism in each administrative district (city) area of research. Internal restructuring of the Youth Tourism system in Lviv region will not significantly improve the situation of increasing its role in the social life of the region. Therefore, the development of the system has to be addressed at the national level.The legal framework of Youth Tourism which was established in the country has improved the conditions for further development, but not enough. The Laws of Ukraine “On social tourism” and “On social tourist rent” passing is required. To provide the meaningful recreation organization of the school youth at the local level needs the development of regional, tourist, recreation and health, excursion programs that use local recreational and tourist resources.

Keywords: youth tourism, junior tourism, children tourism, regional differences.


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