The article deals with the problem of restoring soils contaminated by oil and oil products. The oil products are among the most common and dangerous anthropogenic pollutants components of the environment, including soils. Sources of soil’s contamination are objects related to mining and oil storage, transportation of petroleum and petroleum products and their consumption. Within Ivano-Frankivsk region exist 289 such facilities. Whereas, as a result of land pollution by oil, oil products and toxic substances associated significant changes in all the geosystem’s components (soil, water, biota), creates a dangerous environmental situation for human health, an important task is to clean contaminated sites and restore the natural properties of soils (structures, permeability, oxygen treatment, biochemical and microbiological processes, fertility). The processes of natural regeneration of contaminated sites go slowly through the significant reduction in intensity of self-cleaning due to the death of soil microorganisms. It is possible to restore the contaminated sites with oil and petroleum products using mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, and combined methods. These include agronomic, microbiological and phytomeliorative technology by which ensured restoration of natural properties of soils contaminated sites and return to economic use.

Key words: land, pollution, oil, oil products, restoration.


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