Mykola Karabiniuk, Ivan Kalynych, Vladyslav Peresolyak.


The total area of landscapes Chornohora and Svydovets within the Transcarpathian region is 855,833 square kilometers, 610,827 square kilometers from which are located within Rakhiv district, 245,006 square kilometers – within Tyachiv district. Namely, around 32,3% of Rakhiv district territory is taken by Chornohora and Svydovets areas. As a result of the carried out analysis of morphometric peculiarities of the above mentioned landscape Chornohora and Svydovets reliefs on the basis of the topographic basis in scale 1:50 000 and 1:25 000 vectorized data, as well as the cosmic images and other additional materials, the peculiarities of differentiation of steepness indicators and slopes exposure, vertical and horizontal partition are analyzed. Typical for the Chornohora landscape are the maximum heights of 1900‒2000 meters above sea level, for the Svydovets landscape – 1600‒1700 meters above sea level. While analyzing the morphometric indicators, the dependence of relief forms and their morphometric parameters along with the dependence of spreading physical and geographical processes on the peculiarities of geological layers formation, the composition of geological breeds and their vulnerability to exogenous processes have been discovered. Within the investigated territory, strongly convexed watershed ridges (Holovniy Chornohirskiy ridge, the ridges between mountains Petros and Karakaza, between Petros and Sheshul mountains, Urdu-Flavantuch ridge, Apshynets, Svydovets, etc.) and their spurs, which are composed of mainly solid massive sandstones of chornohora and burkut nature within Chornohora and Urdyn, and the upper backlight of shypot nature on Svydovets, are characterized by steep (15‒30̊) and very steep (30‒45̊) slopes, the steepness of which increases if these are the slopes of northern or eastern exposition with the maximum indicators of vertical partition and the minimum indicators of horizontal partition. In return, in the northern part of Chornohora in the Lazeshchyna, Hoverla river basins, in the northeastern (the basins of streams Apshynets, Stanyslav, Turbatkiy, Okulskiy), eastern (Svydovets streams) and other parts of Svydovets landscape argillites chiefly of yalovets and holovets natures and the lower backlight of shypot nature, which are vulnerable to exogenous processes, hold a significant amount of dampness close to dampness and during the weathering form a strong weathering bark, that support the development of landslide and erosion processes, are spread. The geological worlds mentioned in the relief are expressed by the combination of gentle (to 6̊) and declining (6‒15̊) slopes, seldom steep slopes (15‒30̊), with the minimal indicators of vertical partition to 200 m/km2 and the maximum indicators of horizontal partition 3,1‒5,1 km/km2 and more.

Keywords: morphometric analysis, relief, landscape of Chornogora, landscape Svidovets, relief parameters.


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