Investigation of natural territorial complexes of the subalpine and alpine highlands of Chornogory began in the 1960s. G. Miller made the greatest contribution to the study of the genesis, properties and spatial location of the Chornogory geocomplexes. He compiled the first landscape map on the entire territory of Chornogory on the level of terrain and complex tracts, isolated in the highland part of the terrain of the area of the polonin highlands and the ancient glacial highlands with a system of smaller morphological units (tracts), maps are mapped and the morphological structure is analyzed within the boundaries of the transect from the White Tysa River through Petros mountain to the Lazeshchyna River and the upper reaches of the Prut River and the Pogorelets River. Gerenchuk (1968) distinguished in Chornogory landscape levels which later after G. Miller he considered as high-altitude areas. Within them, due the features of the geological structure he distinguished the areas that subsequently were reflected in such a morphological unit of the landscape as a striya (system of lithologically homogeneous tracts), justified by G. Miller (1972, 1974). Since the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century landscape studies were conducted mainly in the north-eastern sector of Chornogory, mainly in the basins of the Prut and Bystreets rivers (A. Melnik, P. Schuber (1991), A. Melnik (1992), B. Mukha (2003)) and, partly, in the southwest – in the basin of the Hoverla River (G. Miller, O. Fedirko and V.Brusak (1997)). Landscape study of avalanche cells in the highlands of Chornogory was carried out by P. Tretiak (1980), E. Tikhanovich (2016), E. Tikhanovich, V. Bilanyuk (2017), the upper boundary of the forest – A. Baytsar (1994, 2003), distribution of negative physical and geographical processes – B. Mukha (2003), soil cover – P. Schuber (1994, 2003), vegetation cover – B.Senchina (2001, 2003 ), high-level geocomplexes for recreation purposes – I. Rozhko (2000), I. Rozhko, V. Matviyev, V. Brusak (2011). Today, the high-mountain geocomplexes of the north-eastern sector of the Chornogora landscape within the basins of the Prut, Bystrec and Pogorelets streams are explored the best (G. Miller (1972, 1974), A. Melnik and P. Schuber (1991), A. Melnik (1992), etc.). Instead, the natural territorial complexes of the south-western sector are investigated only at level of altitude areas (G. Miller (1963), A. Melnik (2009)), so it requires a detailed large-scale landscape mapping.

Key words: history of research, Chornohora, subalpine and alpine highlands, natural territorial complex, landscape structure.


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