The historical analysis of the theory of the soil cover structure in domestic and foreign scientific schools was provided. The general theoretical framework to study the soil cover structure in the fundamental works of Friedland V.M., Hodelman J.M., Tarhulyan V.О., Duchaufour Phillip, Peter Fink, Legros, J-P., Pozniak S.P., Radziy V.F., Haskevych O.V. and others have been analyzed. The evolution of the concept of the smallest unit of soil cover structure (elementary soil area, polipedon, pedotop) was described. The microkaten concept, based on genetic and evolutionary theory presented and determined as directed anisotropic soil-geographic unit. Microkatena is nothing but a chain of soils belonging to two or more units of classification and gradually passing one another. Inspite microkateny, the elementary soil unit is represented by soil individuals that affect only one taxonomic unit on the lowest rank. The need to use remote sensing data to study the soil cover structure was shown. Such data may include information about map generalization, the boundaries of specific soil combinations, composition of the soil cover. The article mentioned that the aerial photos and satellite images are large-scale information on the availability, distribution, warehouse of the elementary soil structures (complexes, spots) and lithological-geomorphological characteristics of the area. The methodological issues that may arise when using remote sensing data were described. Attention is paid to the concept of elementary soil unit.

Keywords: soil cover structure, elementary soil unit, soil association, polipedon, remote sensing data.


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