In the article the normative and legal principles tourist and recreational use of nature reserve fund are considered. The basic provisions of legal documents which are determined the nature tourist and recreational use of protected areas are analyzed. Allocated the category of nature reserve fund within which allowed the development of tourist and recreation activities. Recreational activities serves an integral part of every human life. Implementation recreational needs of the population possible at various levels, according to which objects and territories are used. One of the priority areas for today in Ukraine is organizing recreational activities in protected areas. Legal basis for an efficient use of nature reserve fund of Ukraine, reproduction his natural complexes and objects defines the Law of Ukraine “On Nature Reserve Fund”. According to Art. 9 of the Act as a type of use areas and objects of nature reserve fund is their use in health and other recreational purposes, subject to conservation mode. Due to the active use areas and objects of natural protected areas for recreational purposes, including for the purposes of tourism, there is a need for legal regulation of these relations, which reflected in the project “Provision of recreational activities within the territories and objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine”, whose main purpose is to create conditions for organized tourism, recreation and other outdoor activities. To institutions of nature reserve fund of Ukraine that organize and carry out recreational activities include: national nature parks, biosphere reserves, regional landscape parks, parks-sights of park and garden art, botanical gardens, zoological and dendrological parks. According to the Law of Ukraine “On State Program  of Development  Protected Areas for the period till 2020” recreational activities will be carried out based on the analysis of investment opportunities specific protected areas, the development of the scope and range of existing paid services, improve their quality.

Key words: nature reserve fund, natural protected areas and objects, nature reserve legislation, recreational nature management.


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