Mykhailo Melnychuk, Valentina Chabanchuk.


In this article we analyzed the distribution of forest landscapes of Rivne region by forest types. We studied the distribution of lands covered with forest vegetation by trophotopes and hihrotopes. We made a distribution of forest landscapes of Rivne region for the most common types of forest site conditions (bors, subors, suhrudy, hrudy). We found that trophotopes confined to soils of different texture and different genetic types. Among trophotopes, which are presented on the territory of Rivne region, the most common are subors, and the least common are hrudy. We characterized the distribution of area of Rivne region by five hihrotopes (dry, fresh, moist, dump, wet) and features of their formation and peculiar vegetation. According to hihrotopes forest plantations of Rivne region are mostly presented in fresh and moist habitat. We have analyzed the most common types of forests in the area of investigation, features of their distribution, typical soils, inherent forest vegetation. We focused attention on necessity of learning and developing the science of forest types to preserve the natural forest landscape and sustainable use of forest resources.

Keywords: forest type, trophotopes, hihrotopes, lands covered with forest vegetation, types of forest site conditions.


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