Mykhailo MELNIICHUK, Vitalii. ZEІKO.


Modern education in Ukraine is not possible without extra-curricular and local studies at school. Tourism is one of the best and most popular types of such activities. Travel and excursions can be used as an important pedagogical tool for diverse influences on students. During a trip, the teacher is able to see the whole life of the schoolchildren, their upbringing, mentality, sociability, emotionality. In normal school life, such opportunities do not arise. When choosing a route and duration of travel for children, teachers and parents should take into account not only local and cognitive factors, but also financial and transport constraints due to the age of the students. The same applies to young people, but it also takes into account the family and financial condition. Taking into account age characteristics of tourists is very important during the organization of local lore activities. It enables teachers, travel agents, guides to develop the most favorable daily routine, schedule of trips, restrict loading on the road or on tourist objects, to determine the rules of excursions, rest, food, etc. Age and family characteristics of tourists obliged to carefully approach the issue of choosing the form and methods of local lore and cognitive activity, the route of the trip and the timetable for its implementation. Therefore, the article is devoted to the study of age-old peculiarities of schoolchildren and youth who can directly influence the organization of satisfying their recreational needs. The approaches to organization of tourist activity of schoolchildren and youth of the Volyn region, taking into account the periods of their maturity, are described separately and described. Different social, pedagogical and psychological peculiarities of junior schoolchildren, teenagers, youth, students, family young people who influence the organization of tourism activity are described. Various forms of tourism are explored, in which Volyn students take part. Collected statistics on the quantitative indicators of tourist activity in different classes of Lutsk and Volyn region; tourist places, most often visited by Volyn pupils, depending on their age. The reasons of different number of tours and directions of trips for pupils of different age limits are analyzed.

Keywords: age, school tourism, youth tourism, age category, tourist routes, tourist places.


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