In the article we analyzed land covered with woody vegetation by groups of species and species composition (оn the basis of Rivne Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting). We found that the dominant species (65% of the area covered with forest vegetation) are pine. We made a distribution of pine plantations of Rivne region for the most common types of forest site conditions. We investigated that the largest share of pine plantations is in the fresh and wet subors. Separately, we conducted a study on distribution of pine plantations on trophotopes (dominated by subors and bors) and hihrotopes (dominated by wet and fresh habitat conditions). We also studied the structure of pine plantations by age groups and noticed substantial irregularity: the predominance of middle-aged plantations and the smallest share of overripe plantations. Moreover, we analyzed the composition of pine plantations by species and reserve of timber, distribution by forest completeness and by classes of bonitet. We determined that the most common completeness of pine plantations are 0.7 and 0.8, and the most common classes of bonitet are I and II. Moreover, we conducted analysis of spatial distribution of pine by forest enterprises in Rivne region.

Keywords: pine plantations, pine, types of forest site conditions, age groups, total and average stock, forest completeness, bonitet.


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