Miroslava VLACH, Irina WANDA


Revealed common features of modern organizational and legal structure of agriculture Ukrainian Roztocje, which has a high share of private farms in the total number of subjects of agriculture, the total area of agricultural land, land in the number of cattle and pigs, as well as in crop production . The development of large-scale livestock associated with specialized agricultural enterprises and farms. Ukrainian agriculture Rostochje as Ukraine in general, characterized by significant diversification of its organizational and legal forms: private farms, agricultural enterprises, farms. Specificity of nature- and socio-geographical conditions Ukrainian Rostochje led decrease in the number of large and medium-sized entities agricultural management. Private farms in the total number of subjects agrodeyatelnosti, the area of agricultural land, arable land, the number of cattle and pigs. They are promising organizational form of agrarian economic structures of the region, subject to greater efficiency through industrialization, cleaner production, increased specialization. Future prospects for the development of agriculture in the region associated with the reform of agricultural enterprises in the new organizational principles, applying the principles of cooperation, in particular through the creation of cooperatives for the production, maintenance and marketing of agricultural products, as well as improving research and production software using the potential of the Lviv National Agrarian University

Keywords: agriculture, organizational and legal forms of agriculture, private farms, agricultural enterprises and farms.


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