Miroslava PYTULIAK, Mykola PYTULIAK.


The contemporary state and the efficiency of use of land resources of Ternopil region in the article have been analyzed. The structure of the land reserves in the region has been studided. It reflects the peculiarities of land use and the main of it is the agriculture land use. Ternopil region is traditionally characterized as agricultural region with well-developed agricultural production. The main part of land reserves of the region is agriculturally used lands 1048, 2 ha (75, 7%). In the structure of agriculturally used lands the croplands have 81,8% that is the level of ploughness is high not only in the region but of the agriculturally used lands as well. The highest index of ploughness of agriculturally used lands in the central and southern parts of region is over 80 %. The part of agriculturally used lands in different administrative districts is from 56,7 to 85,7%  out of all the area of the lands. Sizeable areas of agriculturally used lands in the region have defined the high level of agricultural development. To analyze the efficiency of the use of land resources potential of Ternopil region the following marks have been used: fruitfulness of agricultural plants, agricultural gross production (total amount for a person and for 100 ha of agriculturally used lands), production os main types of agricultural items for a person. In 2016 the agricultural gross production had made for 8523,8 mil grn, which is 3,4% of the gerenal agricultural gross production in Ukraine. In the structure of agricultural gross production the plant production takes the largest part (over 70%). Fruitfulness is an important natural index of effectiveness of using agriculturally used lands, which defined both by influence of natural and economic factors. The analysys of  dynamics of agriculutural production states that the main manufacturers of this kind of production since 2012 are the agricultural enterprises. Over long period of time 2000-2012 years the main part of agricultural production (70% and more) have been produced in people’s households. The idexes of effective use of land resources potential of Ternopil region are defined and analyzed, general agricultural gross production, the agricultural production for a person, fruitfulness of agricultuiral plants. These indexes reflect the tentendency of increase the effectiveness  of agricultural production.

Key words: land resources, land resources potential, effectiveness,agricultural land use, agricultural development.


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