Miroslava PYTULIAK, Mykola PYTULIAK.


The recreation and health improving forests in Ternopil region,which compose the main part of recreational use, are charectirized in the article. The functional structure of the forests of the region is described (exploitable forests, the recreation and health improving forests, the forests, which are nature oriented, forests of scientific, historic and culture purpose, protective forests). The recreational features such as landscape type, aesthetic valuation, recreational pressure endurance, recreational degression level are analyzed. The area distinctions of recreation and health improving forests in location terms are determined: the largest area of them is distinguished in Ternopil and Chortkiv regional forestries – 12.400 hectare and 7.900 hectare respectively. The forests, which are nature oriented and those of scientific, historic and culture purpose are considered of great importance for recreation and health improving and educational activity. They are represented by forest ranges in national nature parks, regional landscape parks, national monuments, genetic nature preservations ect. The area of those forests within the region is 35.200 hectare; in some particular forestries it is the largest: 12.200 hectare (Kremenets forestry). The smallest area occupied with those woollands is in the central part of Ternopil region, to be exact -1.900 hectare Ternopil forestry. The recreation and health improving forests are defined with a high aesthetic valuation. The high aesthetic level of the forests is due to the mixture of mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest, purely conifer areas (in northern part mainly) and broadleaved forest stands of different age. The major part of recreation and health improving forests is filled with middle-aged forest stands (about 60%), encapsulated type of landscape. In this type of forests the first stage of digression is mainly observed. The measures to optimize the recreational use of the forests in Ternopil region are suggested.

Key word: recreation and health improving forests, recreational forest use, nature-oriented forests, recreational features


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