Miroslava PYTULIAK, Mikola PYTULIAK.


The analysis of the functional structure and age-class composition of the forests of Ternopil region has been made. The peculiarities of their location have been analyzed. The forests of Ternopol region are multifunctional. The main part of those forests is exploitable. The forests, which are nature oriented and scientific together with the forests of recreational utilization make about 72.700 hectares. The least area is taken by the protective forests. They fulfill soil protective, water protective and other functions (19.600 hectares).The forests are situated on the territory of the Ternopol region spotted. The highest rate of forest covers is in the west, southern-west part of the region (20-34%) and also in the northern part (18-25%). The lowest rate is in the central part of the region (6-9%), which is also the most favorable for agricultural treatment. The trees of average age-class composition compound the main part of the forests. The minor part in all the categories is of those approaching maturity, mature and overmature trees. The maximum number trees of the mentioned group is in Berezhany district (more than 40%), so the greatest area here is taken by exploitable forests (more than 23 000 hectares). among conifers and hard wooded broad leaved forests there is sufficient part of young trees (about 20%). The smallest part of young trees is among soft-wooded broad leaved species (7.5%) which are represented by aspen, birch, linden and alder. As the anthropogenic effect on the forests of the region is increasing because of deforestation and the influence of recreational and tourism sphere the optimization of functional structure and age-class composition of the forests is needed. The further growth of reforestation of some districts and the region in particular is necessary as well.

Key words: forests, functional structure, age –class composition, forest cover.


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