Miroslava PETROVSKA, Viktoriya PANTYLEY.


The сoncepts of life level and life quality are analyzed in the article. Life level is a socioeconomic concept, which reflects measure of the development and satisfaction with physical, psychological and social needs of the population and conditions of the society for the development and satisfaction with those needs. Concept of life quality is wider than one of life level and reflects mostly general well-being of the population. This concept takes into consideration such factors as life satisfaction, freedom of choice, social communications, environmental condition etc. Different approaches towards integral estimation of life level are analyzed in the article. One should add to those indicators, which reflect level and socioeconomic conditions of living of the population in Lviv region such indices as: expenses of budget on socio-cultural projects, data of demographic statistics, indices of employment, income and expenses of the population, housing conditions, health care, education and social tension. Statistical estimation of life level in Lviv region is based on environmental, social, health and demographic indices. The classification of administrative districts of Lviv region according to living conditions is done based on the estimation of the average indices in Ukraine and on integral estimation of stimulant and destimulant indices. The first classification, which is based on the estimation of the average indices in Ukraine, used the following parameters: average monthly salary, urbanisation level, amount of realized service per capita, average usable space in flats per capita, and the number of physicians per 10000 of the population. In case of the second classification the following parameters were taken into consideration: average monthly salary, birth rate, housing conditions, providing the population with medical personnel, hospital beds, libraries, sits in the movie theatres and clubs (stimulant indices) and death rate, unemployment rate, the incidence rate of mental diseases due to the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, emissions of toxic substances into atmosphere from stationary and non-stationary pollution sources (destimulant indices).

Key words: life level, average monthly salary, birth rate, death rate, unemployment rate, housing conditions, air pollution.


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