Marianna SHIPKA.


Poltva is the left tributary of the Western Bug river. The river begins on the territory of Lviv and serves as a sewage collector within the city. Due to considerable impact on the Western Bug river water quality, thorough examination of the Poltva basin geoecological state is essential. Such research foresees the study of natural conditions, in particular the morphological analysis of the river basin system. Morphological characteristics of the Poltva river basin are determined by natural conditions as well as by anthropogenic impact on the river network structure. The Poltva river basin is situated in the Volyn-Podolsk Upland geomorphological region, within the Little Polesia subregion. The most part of the study area is located within the Ridge Pobuzhya. The western slopes of the basin lay on the Roztochia and the Lviv plateau. Southward the watershed line passes through the northern part of Gologory hilly range. The local topography determines the morphological characteristics of the river basin system, in particular the slope ratio, the degree of vertical dissection of the relief, the river fall and it’s sinuosity. The map of slope ratio is necessary to identify the areas of erosion activity, which is an important stage of the development of the maps of the river basin water protection zone. According to the Filosofov-Straller streamflow typification scheme, the Poltva river gains the VIth order. The streamflows of the Ist and IInd order are prevalent in the river network structure. The number of streamflows considerably exceeds their baseline minimum. According to the results of retrospective studies, a tendency to streamflow amplification and increase of its network density is discovered, which reflects the process of an anthropogenic transformation in the basin mainly caused by drainage and reclamation. At the same time, areas of simplification of the river network structural organization are found (a significant reduction of the Malehkivka river length caused by suburban infrastructure expansion). The canalization of the streamflows of the Poltva river basin on the territory of  Lviv city has considerably influenced the river network structure.

Key words: river basin, geomorphologic structure, small river, river network, streamflow order.


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