The growth of technological influence on the nature has provoked different ecological problems including environmental pollution and landscapes degradation. The changing of the landscape’s structure because of economic activity reduce to the destruction of the natural mechanism of the landscape’s regeneration. As a result of such landscape’s transformation is the exhausting of many kinds of natural resources that make the foundation of industrial and agricultural production and recreation development. “The potential of the landscape’s stability” is the definition that can be interpreted as the landscape’s abilities to become clean, to restore their structure and renew their function owing to the natural mechanisms of regeneration. According to the principles of the statement development (Rio,1992) it is necessary to work out the main directions of the regulation and harmonization of the ecological, economic and social  development of Ternopil region. The evaluated potential of the landscapes stability can be used as the fundamental for the calculation of the intensivity of economic pressure and environmental protection. The aim of the research is to evaluate and analyze the potential of the landscape’s stability in Ternopil region. The method of investigation is based on the separated evaluation of the possibilities for renewal such landscape’s components as air, waters, soil and vegetation. The combined evaluation and complex analyze of the landscape’s stability was carried out taking into account the connections between the main landscape’s components.

Key words: potential of stability, anthropogenic influence, landscape.


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