Lyubomir TSARYK.


Considered as a network approach to optimization of protected areas under the final stage of the formation of ecological networks of different ranks. Lit the implementation of the network approach in establishing transboundary protected areas of Ukraine, the formation of a national ecological network and its elements: ecological network of natural areas, physiographic countries, provinces and regions. Consideration of options for creating ecological networks of individual regions (Podolia) Basin Systems (Econet River basin Dnipro) administrative regions (Ternopil), local ecological networks (Ternopil) and proposed network of protected areas within the river valleys, lofty ridges, etc. An assessment of the state of conservation areas connecting areas (ecocorridors) within the river valleys of Podolia, which demonstrated a high degree of saturation ecocorridors reserved territories of different categories. On an example of protected natural districts Toltrovogo ridge shown low efficiency of functioning of protected areas and proposed the formation of a complementary system of a network of protected areas and facilities, including two branches of the natural reserve “Medobory” within Mylnivskogo and Zbarazh natural districts. The scheme econet of Ternopil shows the configuration and functional features of the ecological framework of the city, the basic elements of ecological network. Implementation ecocorridors approach favors maintaining the integrity of nature, preservation of natural environments and maintain the natural balance of ecosystems.

Keywords: network approach, conservation, Econet transboundary protected areas, conservation areas Econet basin.


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