The article analizes current state and development of a network of ecological educational trails (EDT) of national nature park ” Pripyat – Stohid” . The comparative assessment of the efficiency of the three laid in the park educational path (“The Old park over Stohid”, ” Path leads us along Stokhid”, ” The Forgotten paths of Polesie”) taking into account criteria such as attractiveness of the route, its accessibility, information and ets. As a result, the overall assessment of the highest rate of efficiency of  received EDT ” The Path leads us along Stokhid ” (22 points out of 27 possible). This path allows to familiarize with all the typical ecosystems of the park, has a good transport accessibility, equipped with stops and guidebook. Lower indicators (21 and 20 points, respectively) were obtained for trails “Old Park on Stokhod” and “forgotten paths Polesie”. This is due to insufficient furnishing route name and a weak information support. Analysis of the existing network of environmental educational trails of the park allowed to identify the following shortcomings in their functioning: trails proximity to each other and focus only in the eastern part of the park, a minimum number of observation towers, inconvenient transport connection, inadequate arrangement of trails for people with disabilities. In the future, for the development of the ESTʼs network is planned laying and equipping of ethno-ecological path “apiculture” in s.Buchin, environmental improvement ornithological route along the coast of Lake Lyubyaz (EST “The World Bird wetlands”). It is also important to create more comfortable conditions for the stay of tourists in the park. To do this, use the local ecotourism potential of such settlements as Buchin, Lyubyaz, Wiеtlows, Svalovichi, to equip private estates for the development of rural and eco-tourism in the region. There is a need for wider advertising activities of the park and its ecotourism products in the media.

Key words: ecotourism activities, ecological educational trails, the efficiency of the treading paths, national nature park ” Pripyat – Stohid


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