The article deals with questions of correlation of concepts “biotic” and “landscape diversity”, reveals the biota-saving feature of the landscapes. It contains materials about the possibility of diversification of the biota in the landscapes of the Desna valley and the scheme of Econet of Livoberezhne Polissya in Ukraine. The purpose of this article is to analyze biota-saving significance of river-valley landscapes, their place in the structure of the national econetwork at the example of Desna valley landscapes, to reflect the awareness of environmental aspects of their habitat forming part, conservation motives, to reveal the richness and intrinsic value of river-valley landscapes. The river valleys still remain and will continue to be the main geospatial concentration of  the biotic, geomatic and complex landscape diversity of the regions. They have played a historically important role in people’s lives. The river valley landscapes must be investigated not only from the point of view of the geography and landscape science but also its historical, diverse interdisciplinary ecological and humanistic studies to demonstrate their value in the past and values in the contemporary cultural environment.

Key words: landscape diversity, biotic diversity, ecological network, Livoberezhne Polissya.


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