The essence and the factors that influence the formation of the middle class were identified. The factors were classified in the context of socio-economic development for the assessment of socio-economic inequalities within the regions of the Capital macroregion of Ukraine. The factors and indices that have a direct impact on the formation of the middle class are provided, namely, economic factors, social factors with regard to educational performance, self-identification factor. It is stated that the heterogeneity of the middle class depends on the factors of socio-economic direction, combined with economic and political factors, as well as the specific features of the area. The paper summarizes the results of research on the issue of formation of the middle class through the use of methods and approaches to create the proper regulation of forming a middle class in the light of social and geographical aspects. The regional differences between the regions of the macroregion are identified; it is stated that the quality of life in a particular territorial unit is formed due to social, economic and environmental factors, because they are influenced by geographical factors. The households identifying themselves with the middle class were compared by the criterion of material well-being, based on systematization of statistical data. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study ascertained the criteria and indicators that characterize demographic, social and economic potential of administrative units of socio-geographical area and are critical in the formation of the middle class. The regional differences and characteristics of the middle class of the Capital macroregion of Ukraine were identified on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation.

Keywords: middle class, quality of life, regional analysis, socio-economic inequality, geographical factor, administrative unit.


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