Ivan Rudakevych.


In the given work the spatial aspects of the development of tourist infrastructure in the cities of Lower Silesia are considered. Scientific approaches to the concept of tourist infrastructure are analyzed, as well as the analysis of components is conducted. The tourist values of Lower Silesia as a factor of tourism development on its territory are described. Considerable attention has been given to its natural objects: relief, superficial and therapeutic waters, a network of national parks. Lower Silesian Voivodeship also has rich historical and cultural potential for development of tourism. The main types of centers of development of tourism infrastructure among the cities of Lower Silesia are described. The spatial aspects of the development of network of hotel and gastronomic enterprises are analyzed. During the last years, considerable investments are directed towards the property of a transport infrastructure. The region has traditionally developed a network of railways and highways. Lower Silesia is also considering the spatial characteristics of the development of accompanying infrastructures (ski lifts, tourist information centers, tourist routes). Current problems of development of tourist infrastructure in the territory of Lower Silesia are dedicated. The problems of development of tourism sphere in selected cities of Lower Silesia are analyzed.These include uneven development of tourist centers, poor promotion, transportation and ecological problems. Perspective directions of development of tourist infrastructure in Lower Silesia consist of improvement of tourist brands, development of transport infrastructure and networks of tourist routes, decisions with ecological problems.

Key words: accommodation and gastronomy, infrastructure, Lower Silesia, tourist attractions, tourist infrastructure, transport network.


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