The article shows the features of atlas mapping of soils and land resources in foreign countries and also shows the approaches to the creation of mainly small-scale atlases. Analyzed the content of atlases of soils and land resources of Canada and its provinces (on the example of Alberta), the European Union, Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean area, the Arctic region, England, Scotland and Wales, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Considered the basic concepts of creation of the thematic maps in these atlases. A significant part of the analyzed atlases was created by European Commission for Environmental Research. Noted that all the examined atlases are designed for a wide range of users (most of them have both a paper and an electronic free version). Their use will improve the public awareness of the diversity of soils and understanding of the necessity of rational use and protection of this valuable resource. As shown by the results of the analysis, Soil (Land resources) Atlases are mostly made for the territory of countries and are, respectively, the small-scale, and therefore do not solve the problems of cartographic support of the small area regions with high economic potential. In this regard, an important next step should be the creation of large-scale atlas of administrative districts. The article also suggests the ways of improving the techniques of atlas mapping of soils and land resources.

Keywords: atlas of land resources, electronic atlas of soils, atlas content, atlas of agricultural land.


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