General scientific and special methods of territorial and political system research are analyzed. Special analysis of general scientific methods. Among them: the sociological method to identify political orientations of different social, professional and age groups; the mapping method to create a series of maps of regional political system’sterritorial organization; the correlation analysis for studying of factors and territorial structure of the political system in the region; the content analysis of press to identify relationships between political orientation issues and real political orientations of the population on the territory. The using of political development’saverage synthetic rate for the characterization of administrative units in the region as a basis for the allocation of political and territorial subregions is grounded. The parameters characterizing TPS of region are analyzed: the number of regional and inter-regional offices of state agencies, local governments; number of deputies of local governments; index of territorial localization of local governments; indicators of territorial differentiation of local governments; spatial impact of local governments; radius of influence of local councils; party activity of the population; the total number of local branches of political parties; share of party organizations for ideological orientation; electoral potential; the rate of electoral participation rate; level of absenteeism, etc.

Key words: methodology of study, the averaged synthetic indicator of political development, mapping, statistical, sociological methods, correlation techniques, content analysis, territorial political system (TPS).


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