Igor Papish, Stepan Poznyak, Hanna Ivanyuk, Taras Yamelynets.


The main study objective is creation of the soil-geographic zoning of Ukrainian Polissia, based on the principles of structural approach to the spatial organization of soil. The criteria for the taxonomy unit’s designations and its spatial and genetic characteristics are qualitatively genetic indicators of soils in combination with analysis of spatial distribution of soil structures. The proposed schemes of the soil-geographic zoning include the following taxonomic units: soil-geographic kraina, zona (mountain soil poias), krai, okrug (mountain soil oblast), raion and masyv. The main causes of soil heterogeneity of Ukrainian Polissia are micro relief, lithological factor and moisture conditions. The different contracted sod-podzolic-hydromorphic and lithogenic-sod-podzolic-hydromorphic complexes, combinations and mosaics are dominated in the soil cover of Ukrainian Polissia. The altitude oriented branched-tree shaped erosion-humus differentiated combinations, variations of podzols and gleyic soils, and solonchak-hydromorphic-differentiated combinations and complexes selected on the east part from the Dnipro River. The 5 soil-geographic krai and 13 okrug were allocated within the study area. The further detailed zoning of these 13 okrug requires detailed field studies using statistical and mapping methods for analyzing the structure of soil. Currently it is impossible to carry out and we proposed to use agro-soil zoning for the lowest level (soil-geographic rayon). The proposed scheme of soil-geographic zoning is authors approach and requires improvement and refinement, through the large-scale field studies of the soil cover.

Keywords: zoning, Polissia, soil cover, soil-geographic krai, soil combinations, complexes, mosaics.


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