In this article it has been researched the estimation peculiarities of the geographical and territorial structure of the Carpathian region in terms of socio-economic development, and its influence on the formation of economic potential. It has been found out the scientific and practical content of economic potential of the region, which should be considered as the basis for the formation of a regional economic complex, which is a large and branched territorial and economic system. It has been considered the views of modern scholars on the definition of the essence of the concept of economic potential of the region. It has been established that the economic potential of the region is a combination of means and resources, which provide the development and functioning of the economic complex. The economic potential of the region should be understood as a complex concept, which includes certain aggregates of potentials of the region, depending on the peculiarities of the region development, as well as the corresponding mechanisms and the time of their involvement in economic activity in order to increase the level of competitiveness and economic development of the region. It has been revealed that the economic potential of the region is formed by using all available resources, which can provide long-term functioning and achievement of strategic goals. The author has classified the factors influencing the potential of the region from the standpoint of socio-economic development, they are: economic and geographical position, population and labor resources, production unit, infrastructure, localized natural resources (energy, mineral and raw materials, land, water), scientific and technical potential, forms of territorial organization of the economy, management efficiency, etc. The geographical and territorial structure of the Carpathian region has been assessed. It has been established that the Carpathian region occupies rather favorable geographical position in Ukraine and Europe, and is characterized by considerable diversity and differentiation of natural conditions and resources. This fact has contributed to the formation of a multi-branched industrial and agricultural structure of the economy of the region. The territorial differences of the economic potential of the regions in this area are conditioned by the economic and geographical, and historical backgrounds. Thus, in Lviv region, coal industry, power engineering, machine building, agricultural and industrial complex, transport and recreation and tourism fields are the most developed. Ivano-Frankivsk region specializes in power engineering, fuel, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries; the construction industry, the forest and wood fields, the agricultural and industrial complex are also developed here. The basic industries of the economic potential of Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian regions are the agricultural and industrial complex, wood-processing, light and food industries. In this article it has been defined the prospects for the development of the Carpathian region economy, which are connected with the recreation and tourism industry, basis of which is the local recreational potential. In particular, this includes the balneological resources (unique mineral and thermal waters, medical mud, ozokerite), ecologically clean area, picturesque woodsy, mountainous and foothill landscapes, coming along with water streams, faunal and floristic resources.

Key words: geographical and territorial structure, economic potential, the Carpathian region, socio-economic development.


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