Nowadays, it is admitted fact that improving or regional management of socio-economic development is possible provided creation of an adequate information infrastructure with the help of geographic information technologies. Geographic information systems and technologies application means transformation to a higher quality level of management, planning, design and operation of complex regional systems. In this regard, the estimation of the current state of development of geographic information technologies and perspectives of their application for methodological and technological providing of socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine are relevant. Estimating Ukrainian current state of development and application of geographic information systems and technologies it should be noted that there is still no common approach to the development of information systems that are provide information and analytical support for socio-economic development of the different hierarchical levels of the regions, including, possibly in first of all, providing of territorial planning. The lag of geographic information systems and technologies application in Ukraine insistently requires activation of theoretical research and applications in this field. Since the financial and material resources available to local and regional governments is not unlimited, achieving high efficiency of their application with the help of modern information technologies is a crucial moment. Geographic information systems and technologies are being developed and being implemented at different territorial levels – from local to global. As for tasks related to the providing of socio-economic development of regions and regional management, in the first place, interest are represented municipal and regional geographic information systems and technologies, which can be considered as a modern innovative technologies of regional management. The development of applied geographic information systems concepts, which are based on a theoretical model of a sphere or activity in the subject area, is today’s problem in the area of information and analytical support of socio-economic development of regions. Development of such concepts would allow to solve the problem of formation thematic data sets of geospatial data infrastructure.

Keywords: socio-economic development, region, information technology, geoinformation systems and technologies, spatial data infrastructure.


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