The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of using the cartographic method and retrospect and geographical studies of nature use based on the example of the Tovtry range in Ternopilska region. The list of large-scale cartographic works of different time that are the basis of the announced research has been given. The most important among them are: special maps of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Polish tactical maps and topographic maps issued by the Kyiv factory of military cartography. Basing on these maps the cartometric researches and visual analysis of them have been done. The article presents a number of copyright map charts that reflect the modern ploughing-up rate, forest cover change and building-up of the area and also the settlement and development of the region of study for a period of more than a century. On this basis the geospatial patterns of the expansion of these parametres have been analyzed and evaluated. During the study of the territory population of the area of research the cartographic method has been used to identify geospatial patterns of distribution of archaeological monuments. Analysis of the made up maps allowed to identify four colonization centres of the region. The relationship between the decrease in forest cover and its proximity to the town has been defined. The areas on the western edge of the natural reserve “Medobory” have been revealed to have some increase in forest cover. During the analysis of built-up areas the active development of the town of Zbarazh, villages Maksymivka, Khomivka etc. have been defined. On the other hand, the following settlements as Hostra Mohyla, Hontova, Netreba and tens of individual manors completely disappeared. Special attention in the article is given to describing methods of cartometric works on the maps of different time. The specific examples of changes in the area’s particular forest tracts, the appearance and disappearance of individual settlements have been provided. The prospects for further research in this area have been outlined.

Key words: cartographic method, map chart, nature use, forest cover, building-up, ploughing-up, territory population, natural territories.


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