Andriy Melnik, Zhanetta Sobov.


The study of peculiarities of the formation of organized tourism in the region enables to highlight the spatial and temporal aspects of the formation and improvement of the territorial structure of the industry, to identify the potential and prospects of its development, to create new ways of tourism activities. This article analyzes the history of the formation of the tourism industry in Zakarpattia within the period of the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century. The key factors, which influenced on the development of the most popular types of leisure and recreation, have been examined. The emergence of first travel organizations and travel routes, hotels, the process of improvement in providing services to tourists, have been researched. The attention is paid to the fact that in the second half of the XIX century youth organizations, Ukrainian intelligentsia promoted and widely admired travelling in rural areas, explored the land, visited Ukrainian villages, studied folklore. This tendency was typical for the inhabitants of the whole Carpathian region. The article draws attention to the role of the Plast movement in the development of tourism industry in the region. Advanced features in development of tourism and recreation in Zakarpattia have been looked into, and a number of disadvantages have been characterized. It is also noted that the formation of organized tourism in the region was being performed amid social and political processes, which took place in the region at a time. Analysis of historical and geographical aspects of tourism development  in Zacarpathia enables to find out significant potential of tourist resources for the development of tourist and recreational complex in the long term. It is evident that the key benefits of tourism development are defined by regional unique features and natural conditions of the region, compared with other areas of business performance. Statistical data indicates that the tourist industry in our region with its natural, historical and cultural resources is the most perspective in Zakarpattia.

Keywords: tourism, recreation, travel, tourism resources, infrastructure, travel routes.


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