According to their genetic nature, Rendzic Leptosols of the Western region of Ukraine are unique, having no analogues both in Ukraine and countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which prompts, during a long period of time, the need to study their morphogenic properties in consideration with specificity of soil formation factors and the dominance of elementary soil forming processes in various natural and anthropogenic conditions. The article analyzes the regularities of areal distribution of Rendzic Leptosols in the Western Ukrainian region, their restriction towards denudatious, denudatious-accumulative and outlier forms of relief, the influence of the carbonaceous soil forming rocks and vegetation on morphogenic properties of these soils. The Western Region of Ukraine (the area under study) in the administrative perspective includes eight regions: Lviv region, Ivano-Frankivs’k region, Ternopil’ region, Volyn’ region, Rivne region, Khmelnyts’k region, Chernivtsi region and Transcarpathian region. According to physical and geographical zoning of Ukraine, it is located within two natural countries: Eastern European plain and Ukrainian Carpathians. The research comprises the mixed forest zones of Polissya, where two regions of Volyn’ and Maly Polissya are differentiated, and also the zone of broadleaf forests of the Western Ukraine, which is divided into five regions: Volyn’, Western-Podil’s’k, Central Podil’s’k, Prut-Dnistrovs’k heights and Rostots’k-Opils’k region (Roztochia and Opilya). The research has found out that within the borders of the Ukrainian Western region there are 80 profiles of areal distribution of Rendzic Leptosols, where the area of the biggest one is 31.5 thousand hectares, and the smallest – 200 hectares. The average area of the aerial Rendzic Leptosols is 1.8 thousand hectares. The biggest aerials of rendzic leptosols background distribution are accumulated in Turiysk-Rozhyshchensk natural area, the region of Volyn’ Polissya, of Polissya land. The biggest area of Rendzic Leptosols was discovered in Volyn’ region, covering 41.5 thousand hectares, or 40.7% of the area of the region; 35.9 thousand hectares of which are arable, or 44.3% of the arable Rendzic Leptosols area of the region.

Key words: Rendzic Leptosols, denudatious, denudatious-accumulative and outlier forms of relief, carbonations soil forming rocks, vegetation, aerial distribution, morphogenic properties.


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