The article reveals the behaviour of the voters of a certain territory in the context of ideological commitment, electoral activity, conditions and factors that influence the choice of people. Thus a tradition of electoral activity and the collective memory of the party favour is formed. Four electoral cadences were chosen for investigation over the period 2006-2014 years. It helped to determine changes in the elections interest (vote), commitment to a certain type of ideology, which was analysed according to a proportion of voting for a group of political parties with close ideological views. The manifestation of mass political consciousness, which shows itself through the electoral culture, allows us to estimate at the territorial level, the population’s attitude to certain ideologies and political orientations. The object of study is Carpathian-Podilsk region. Forming a compact space, it showed some excellent results of electoral culture. Grouping of administrative units was implemented according to the level of electoral culture formation based on certain ideological direction. Conclusions were made regarding certain territorial attachment of the electorate. Materials of Central Election Commission were used in this article. Analytical table assessment of the election results was prepared at the territorial level. Our studies allow to note a tendency of electoral activity gradual alignment and consistency of regional character assessment of the electoral process, which suggests the formation of a common problem field of electoral culture.

Keywords: the Carpathian-Podilsk region, electoral process, electoral culture, electoral activity, electoral commitment, electoral traditions


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