This publication shows the results of the analysis of agricultural abandonment and recultivation within the western provinces of Ukraine, detected by classification of satellite images. For this research we defined agricultural abandonment as absence of any kind of agricultural utilization of land parcel for at least 4 years in 2007-2012 while it was cultivated for at least 5 years in previous 6-year period (2001-2006). To define agricultural recultivation, as a process of bringing back of fallow land, a reverse rule was applied than to abandonment. Polarization of agricultural land use in our study displays the hot-spot of land use change disparities when both agricultural abandonment and recultivation manifest within the same administrative district. Our findings suggest that the volume of abandoned agricultural lands within the study area in the period from 2007 to 2012 reached 200 thousand hectares, while the process of recultivation of former abandoned land in Western Ukraine was recorded only on about 70 thousand hectares. This means prevailing of agricultural abandonment due to less profitability of agriculture here in comparison to other parts of Ukraine. Underlying drivers of this general trend in land use might be the fall of cattle breeding in the region, which resulted in substantial decreasing of utilization of pastures and hay fields for as a sources of feed. Northern districts of Rivne and Volyn provinces experienced severe land abandonment whilst agricultural recultivation occurred the most on the south of Khmelnytskyi and east of Chernivtsi provinces. To analyze the proximate drivers of land use change we employed machine learning method, namely booster regression trees, which are a powerful non-parametric regression approach and can capture complex, non-linear relationships between response and predictor. The statistical models that were built using R software allowed us for the first time to investigate at the drivers of two opposite land use trends and showed a significant difference in the predictors that shape agricultural abandonment and recultivation. Accessibility variables played more important role in explaining agricultural recultivation. However, probability of land abandonment as was shown of our modeling substantially increase in the districts with high share of pasture and hay field.

Key words: farmland recultivation, farmland abandonment, boosted regression trees algorithm, land use polarization, spatial drivers.

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